Articles tagged ‘user research’
You’re moderating a usability session and things aren’t going as well as you’d like. Maybe the participant doesn’t seem to have the qualifications that you need, or the participant seems anxious despite your best efforts to alleviate his nervousness. What should you do? Talking to users is usually the favorite part of our job as… continue reading
It is (hopefully) common knowledge amongst UX practitioners that it is beneficial to test early and test often. However, how to test and what to test may not be as well-known. Qualitative research allows the researcher to dig deep into the causes and consequences of behavior. Quantitative research allows the researcher to project how many… continue reading
Empathy – the capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another person – is one of the many ‘soft’ skills a great UX designer should possess. Empathising with users leads to a genuine understanding of how to solve their problem and ultimately building better products. Many great authors have written about the subject.… continue reading