Articles tagged ‘personas’
As technology advances, it’s often the case that more capabilities make things more complicated, not less. To deliver a quality user experience, taking the complex and making it as simple as possible is absolutely crucial. With the way things have proceeded in recent years, it’s a safe bet to assume that UX trends in 2018… continue reading
It is easy to underestimate the importance of someone’s first impression. Judging by our feelings concerning a person’s appearance, clothes, speech, and other factors we are realising whether this person is interested in us or not. Of course, further communications can change our minds. However, this example is not exactly suitable for the field of… continue reading
A good concept comes from a good idea. But how do you actually create a concept from your initial idea? It sounds daunting at first, it truly does, because where would you start? To ease your pain, I have created a guideline that should help you through the process, both in theory as in practice.… continue reading
Did you know that personas predate user experience and usability? They were a concept first derived by Alan Cooper in his book ‘The Inmates are Running the Asylum’. However, it was Angus Jenkinson, a marketing director, who developed the concept for usability purposes and … continue reading