A Practical Guide to Create a Concept

May 12, 2016

A good concept comes from a good idea. But how do you actually create a concept from your initial idea? It sounds daunting at first, it truly does, because where would you start? To ease your pain, I have created a guideline that should help you through the process, both in theory as in practice.… continue reading

Early Usability Testing decides the Product’s Destiny

Apr 27, 2016

Today, probably more than ever, users are the ones who make definite decisions whether products will be successful or not. A bit spoiled by improved quality and innovations, as well as numerous choices of products, users expectations are pretty high while their interest is very hard to evoke. And this is especially true for the… continue reading

How to be a UX Expert

Apr 5, 2016

I recently moved from London, UK to New Zealand to continue my career as a UX Designer. I was lucky to land a role working for a well-regarded digital agency, NV Interactive. Unfortunately, I started to feel a bit like a fraud.   I’d spent the last six years working on in-house products for a… continue reading

3 Tips for a Better Mobile UX

Mar 29, 2016

The mobile user experience is about more than having a site that is responsive to multiple devices and platforms. Mobile behavior is fundamentally different from desktop behavior and designing an experience for the mobile user journey is beneficial to businesses that want to increase sales, growth hack their user base, and foster brand loyalty. According… continue reading

The Bootstrappers Guide to Free Usability Testing

Mar 15, 2016

You just finished designing your latest web project. You did your research, designed it with your client’s audience in mind, and now it’s ready to be launched. Or is it? Many designers fail to follow through with one of the most important elements of successful web design — user testing. It sounds daunting… and expensive.… continue reading

provides you with all the tools to generate actionable insights, both desktop as mobile.“
- Paul