Category Mobile & Tablet Design

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An entire category dedicated to mobile & tablet design with essential UX design principles for small screen websites and apps. User friendly mobile interfaces for the phones and tablets are an absolute must and continue to grow in importance.

The evolution of mobile devices has completely revolutionised the web industry. Today, where mobile device usage has increased drastically, it has become more important than ever for websites to target mobile users as well. This is not only important to improve the conversion rate but also to stay ahead in the market. According to a… continue reading

While the evolving technology has brought many challenges for the businesses, at the same time, it has also offered numerous brilliant opportunities. It can’t be gainsaid that the mobile revolution has ushered the retail shopping in a modern era that has transformed the experience into a fast and convenient exchange through mobile devices. The ever… continue reading

We’re living in a multi-device (ideally a mobile-dominated) world. And so, if you’re still focusing on improving your website for desktop users, then you’re likely going to lose a lot of potential opportunities to increase conversions. The use of mobile devices – be it for searching things, purchasing products, etc. – is booming. But an… continue reading

Last year 2014 was a big year for the experience design with more adaptive and responsive designs, and this year is even bigger. This is so because the UX (user experience) design is sinking deep into products, companies and even in the lives of users who interact with the design. The products and services that… continue reading

Mobile has changed the way we interact with content. As UX practitioners, we need to rethink the design paradigm for the web. Simply translating desktop designs to mobile screens is not an option. Small touch screens on smartphones, tablets, and e-readers change the way users input and interact with content. Established desktop behaviors (i.e. mouse… continue reading

provides you with all the tools to generate actionable insights, both desktop as mobile.“
- Paul