Author Paula Borowska


Affordance is a word that sneaks into a conversation every now and then when talking about designs. But what does it actually mean? Affordance has had many definitions in the past. Its current definition is exhibiting the possibility of some action where it is not a property of either the object or person using it.… continue reading

Did you know that personas predate user experience and usability? They were a concept first derived by Alan Cooper in his book ‘The Inmates are Running the Asylum’. However, it was Angus Jenkinson, a marketing director, who developed the concept for usability purposes and … continue reading

Many posts out there don’t actually talk about mobile design trends; some talk about mobile design being a trend but that is by far very different. Because mobile apps and websites are growing in popularity and design quality, I wanted to write a post about the up and coming mobile design trends. I’m certain that… continue reading

provides you with all the tools to generate actionable insights, both desktop as mobile.“
- Paul