Author Nick Rojas


While Bitcoin is becoming a household name, it is still wildly misunderstood, has volatile price swings, and is slow to complete transactions. This culminates in a user experience problem that severely hampers user adoption across the cryptocurrency. Why does Bitcoin have such a UX problem? Consumer Education of Cryptocurrency There is an initial problem of… continue reading

As technology advances, it’s often the case that more capabilities make things more complicated, not less. To deliver a quality user experience, taking the complex and making it as simple as possible is absolutely crucial. With the way things have proceeded in recent years, it’s a safe bet to assume that UX trends in 2018… continue reading

Two technologies stand poised to wage a battle for dominance in the customer service sector within the next few years. Mobile apps have long been a popular way for companies to offer support to their customers, but the relatively recent rise of chatbots may soon threaten their supremacy. To settle the debate, we’re going to… continue reading

provides you with all the tools to generate actionable insights, both desktop as mobile.“
- Paul